Point-of-Sale (POS)
Year: 2010-2016
Role: Graphic Designer & Prepress Designer
Tools & Software: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

Car branding - side view

Car branding - back view

Branded retail display solutions
Branded retail display solutions
Branded retail display solutions
Branded retail display solutions
Promotional counter
Promotional counter
Promotional counter
Promotional counter
Branded retail display solutions
Branded retail display solutions
Custom Point-of-Sale (POS) Display Design
Custom Point-of-Sale (POS) Display Design
Custom Point-of-Sale (POS) Display Design
Custom Point-of-Sale (POS) Display Design
Point-of-Sale (POS) Display Design
Point-of-Sale (POS) Display Design
Wobbler design
Wobbler design
Wobbler design
Wobbler design
Wobbler design
Wobbler design
Wobbler design on the shelf
Wobbler design on the shelf

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